Art of read-in

A “read-in” is jargon for the preparation a TV, radio, or podcast show host makes before having on a guest. The more they read, the better their questions and conversation, the more hackneyed questions, that have been previously asked elsewhere, they avoid. In short the better the show for the listener. If the the TV host does a read-in a day – before the show.. and the elite copywriters reads 7 times more material than he thinks he needs – before writing a word and Teddy Roosevelt advance-reads an entire book about or related to each white house guest – before their stay and the strategy consultant organizes discovery interview topics into themes, cross-verifies them, swots, gap-analyzes,problem-defines, and visualizes – before making a single recommendation and the chef performs an hour of mise-en-place chopping – before turning on a single burner and the NBA player watches 3 hours of tape – before a playoff game and the hathic yogi warms joints, gently stretches, surya namaskars, pranayama-breathes – before assuming any asana postures. If all that is true, what does a automated, self-service product to do prepare for its user – before trying to help them?

Art of message – subscribe

Art of read-in

June 12, 2023

A “read-in” is jargon for the preparation a TV, radio, or podcast show host makes before having on a guest. The more they read, the better their questions and conversation, the more hackneyed questions, that have been previously asked elsewhere, they avoid. In short the better the show for the listener.

If the the TV host does a read-in a day – before the show..

and the elite copywriters reads 7 times more material than he thinks he needs – before writing a word

and Teddy Roosevelt advance-reads an entire book about or related to each white house guest – before their stay

and the strategy consultant organizes discovery interview topics into themes, cross-verifies them, swots, gap-analyzes,problem-defines, and visualizes – before making a single recommendation

and the chef performs an hour of mise-en-place chopping – before turning on a single burner

and the NBA player watches 3 hours of tape – before a playoff game

and the hathic yogi warms joints, gently stretches, surya namaskars, pranayama-breathes – before assuming any asana postures.

If all that is true, what does a automated, self-service product to do prepare for its user – before trying to help them?

(This was originally published on Art of Message – subscribe here)