Catchiness strategy

“We could have called it ‘strawberry intelligence.’” – Gong CEO Amit Bendov What Amit meant by that statement, per Andy Raskin, is that rather than “invent” the category of “revenue intelligence“, as Gong did, they might just as well have invented the category of “strawberry intelligence“. The idea being that Gong’s enormous success didn’t have to do with making up a “____ intelligence” category. So it didn’t matter. And why not? Maybe because people aren’t logically convinced by an association with a category that a company makes up. I’ll buy that. According to Raskin and Bendov, what people cared about was the Gong company/product story – not their cool “revenue intelligence” category. Story strategy, you might call it. Like with Storybrand. I don’t know if I’ll but that one; there are better stories. Here’s what I think happened – in the first place, someone in marketing at IBM came up with “business intelligence” back in the 1980’s. And tech companies have been running with it ever since, including Gong. End of story. Why? Because business intelligence or revenue intelligence, or whatever, is an easy to grasp idea that has a nice ring to it – and can be easily riffed on in your sales an marketing materials. It doesn’t have to be logical, it just has to be non-illogical – and catchy.

Art of message – subscribe

Catchiness strategy

June 19, 2023

“We could have called it ‘strawberry intelligence.’”
Gong CEO Amit Bendov

What Amit meant by that statement, per Andy Raskin, is that rather than “invent” the category of “revenue intelligence“, as Gong did, they might just as well have invented the category of “strawberry intelligence“.

The idea being that Gong’s enormous success didn’t have to do with making up a “____ intelligence” category. So it didn’t matter.

And why not? Maybe because people aren’t logically convinced by an association with a category that a company makes up. I’ll buy that.

According to Raskin and Bendov, what people cared about was the Gong company/product story – not their cool “revenue intelligence” category.

Story strategy, you might call it. Like with Storybrand.

I don’t know if I’ll but that one; there are better stories.

Here’s what I think happened – in the first place, someone in marketing at IBM came up with “business intelligence” back in the 1980’s. And tech companies have been running with it ever since, including Gong. End of story.

Why? Because business intelligence or revenue intelligence, or whatever, is an easy to grasp idea that has a nice ring to it – and can be easily riffed on in your sales an marketing materials. It doesn’t have to be logical, it just has to be non-illogical – and catchy.

(This was originally published on Art of Message – subscribe here)